Your Business on Earth as It Is in Heaven.

Business leaders that understand the impact they are purposed for, invite Heaven Partners into executive roles to have practical and spiritual authority to strategically release heaven blueprints on earth.

Heaven Partners joins you and your organization to bring Heaven to earth through executive leadership, intercession, the prophetic, and courts of heaven.

How it Works

After an application approval and a discovery session you will be able to invite a qualified and experienced executive from the Heaven Partners group to come into a fractional c-suite or executive board position. This places the strategic advisor, but more importantly, it's what opens legal spiritual authority over the juridical entity to the members of Heaven Partners.

The executive, grounded in the practical strategy of their earthly role, collaborates with intercession and the prophetic to discern additional heaven strategies and insights. These revelations, often spotlighting heaven's blueprint for business and societal transformation, are often taken to the Courts of Heaven. Here, legal spiritual processes address hindrances and obtain verdicts to better release these blueprints on earth.

Intercessors play a pivotal role in this collaboration. They stand in the gap ensuring that there is space for the revelations received and the decisions made to be fully executed without the interference of the enemy.

When all these pieces work in concert, businesses and organizations become powerful conduits for heaven transformation. Leadership strategies become more than just plans; they emerge as heaven blueprints that place heaven's intentions into earth reality. Organizations thrive, not just in profitability, but in purpose and impact.

Executive Leadership

Practically aligning organizational goals with heavenly principles. By infusing strategies and decisions with values and strategies that mirror the Kingdom of Heaven, we can create corporate cultures that reflect love, justice, integrity, and purpose. This paves the way for Heaven's blueprint to be released over your organization.

Global Intercession

An ambassador for the Kingdom of God, commissioned to petition the supreme court of heaven to change the spiritual atmosphere for transformation in businesses, churches, families, cities, and nations. To reroute the enemies plans and clear the atmosphere to bring refreshed vision and assignments that establish His kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven with an increased flow of faith, hope, and intimacy with Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

Courts of Heaven

The Courts of Heaven is a place in heaven where believers can approach God as righteous Judge. And just as there are legal procedures and systems in the earthly realm, there are also heavenly courts where cases are presented, argued, and decided in the heaven realm.


The prophetic in relation to the above takes prophetic revelation to the next level. By presenting and arguing prophetic revelation in the Courts of Heaven, one can facilitate the release of heavenly verdicts that shift atmospheres, remove obstacles, and can more easily usher in God's purposes for businesses and culture. The prophetic bridges the gap between heaven and earth, playing a key role in aligning earthly realities with divine intention.

Your Business on Earth as It Is in Heaven.

For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

- Habakkuk 2:14

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